The #1 most requested feature for Treelines is collaboration. We hear often from folks like the two brothers we met at RootsTech who were just two of eight siblings scattered across the country, each with different family photographs and stories that they all want to put together for posterity.
Well, the day has come: Treelines is now a fully collaborative platform! You and your family can start working together on Treelines to build your family tree and tell family stories.
To work with family members on your tree: At the bottom of the “My Stories” page (reachable by clicking on your username at the top-right of any page), you’ll see a list of your trees on Treelines. Click on one of them to get to the new “Tree Team” page.
You’ll see at the top of the page a box where you can your family members using their email addresses to work on your tree. You can control the permissions for each user, whether you want them just to be able to browse the tree & write stories about the people in the tree, or whether you want them to have the full ability to add and update the people in your tree. (Don’t worry — we won’t let your family mess with your beautiful tree unless you specifically let them!)
The “Tree Team” page also includes a fully browse-able and editable version of your tree. And best of all, it will display the growing collection of stories you and your relatives share about your family. Over time this page should become a real treasure-trove of your collected family history.
To work with family members on a story: Go to any one of your stories in progress. In the right column, you’ll see a new link for you to add collaborators to your story. Clicking on this link will bring up the new form for you to invite story members to write family stories with you. Don’t worry — you’re still the only person who can decide when you’re ready to publish your story and whether you want to share it publicly or privately.
Maybe you have a story you want to write, but your cousins need to add pictures from each of their family albums? Perhaps you and your siblings have unique memories about your grandmother you want to put in one place? Now you can all work together in the Treelines storybuilder.
As an example, here’s a story our founder & her father wrote together about a favorite ancestor of theirs — if only they could prove he is an ancestor!
We’re really excited about these new features, and we can’t wait to see the amazing ways you and your start working together to preserve the best stories of your family’s history on Treelines.
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