Free Negroes Bought Their Families

I have been fascinated by African American genealogy since I watched the first African American Lives in 2006, both for the often-insurmountable research challenges, as well as the immense personal obstacles faced by those ancestors. This Sunday’s episode of Finding Your Roots, which focused on the “free negro” ancestors of three African-Americans, bypassed the usual research challenges, but came up against the stunning choices they had to make to maintain their imperiled status.

Those ancestors, in Henry Louis Gates’ words, “defy our most basic assumptions about life in the United States during the slave era”: John Legend‘s ancestor, Peyton Polly, who was freed in 1847 when his master died; Wanda Sykes‘ eighth great-grandmother, Mary Banks, who was born free in 1683 (!); and Margaret Cooper’s ancestor, Susannah Speed, who was freed in 1782. At that time free people of color had to carry papers to prove their status, which remained always at risk:

(Spoiler alert.)

  • After Peyton Polly, his brother, and his son were freed in Kentucky, his brother purchased Peyton’s seven other sons and daughters. Evidently this tactic was common! The reunited family moved to Ohio, a free state, for safety. But three years later armed white men from Kentucky kidnapped back the children, ages 4-17. Peyton could not risk going after the men himself. He put his trust in the white legal system, and eventually the intervention of many Ohio politicians managed to free four of the children. Virginia refused to free the others, who remained enslaved for over a decade until all slaves were freed.
  • Mary Banks was born free because her mother, Elizabeth, an indentured servant, was white. Her father was an African slave. (In these early years of slavery, the line between the races was quite flexible.) Shortly after the Revolutionary War, Mary Banks’ descendants were recorded as owning slaves! In this case there’s no evidence if they were protecting family.
  • In the waning years of the Revolution, Susannah Speed sued her master for freedom. The law permitted this!!! And a month later, her freedom was granted!!! Like Polly, she had to take extreme steps to protect her family. In her case she consigned her children to indentured servitude! This strategy was also not uncommon.

Living in a sick system, Polly and Speed had to take appalling steps to protect themselves and their families. Their lives and Banks’ shed light on this “little known but crucial chapter” of the history of slavery in the US. As a whole, this episode of Finding Your Roots shows that it’s impossible to trace and comprehend your family tree without learning something substantial and even surprising about history. (Ask me about the Oleomargarine Act of 1886!)

For each of the three guests, these lines of free negros were just one set of ancestors in their trees. The rest fell within the typical experience of the 90% of African Americans who were not freed until the Thirteenth Amendment. But how much nuance was added to our understanding of US history just by recalling their lives!

Genealogy’s Chicken Little Moment

Yesterday a bombshell hit the genealogy community: NBC canceled Who Do You Think You Are?, its weekly show in which it traces the roots of a celebrity. The stock price of fell 18% today as investors worried how this would affect the company’s growth. After all, “’s prominent presence on WDYTYA, a partnership with NBC, contributed to a 42.6% spike in its online subscriptions, to 1.87M, in the two years since the show debuted” (source). But for those of who care about the success of the genealogy industry beyond the valuation of our stock portfolios, what does this news really mean? Should we be panicking?

For the time it was on the air, WDYTYA clearly ignited many people’s latent interest in their family’s history. And while there couldn’t possibly have been more Ancestry commercials during the breaks, the show itself was the best possible advertisement for genealogy. It made it look fun and accessible. The detective work was suspenseful, and the breakthroughs enormously satisfying. And most of all, the emotional impact of the stories on the celebrities was real and heart-felt. None of this was marketing hype. This really is what genealogy is all about. The personal payoffs are as real as the show portrayed. And it was this connection that the show created between the celebrities’ journeys through their family history and the potential journeys that await us, the viewers, that created the surge in subscriptions for Ancestry.

Too many of us are responding to the cancellation by bemoaning the shallow time in which we find ourselves and forgetting that the latent interest that preceded the show is still out there! Sure, Ancestry lost a major channel for outreach, but they — and we — still have a huge potential audience waiting to be reached. All of us in the genealogy community — bloggers, researchers, companies, even little start-ups like Treelines — can pick up where the show left off to make our passion as accessible as possible. Every single one of us who’s already researching his/her tree can be an advocate for genealogy amongst our own family and friends. We can improve our research tools and guides to help novices dive in more easily. We can broaden our offline societies into online social networks to better assist newbies in breaking down their brick walls. And most of all, we can wrap the dry research and data management with the same warm emotions that the show did to help people see, for example, that a ship manifest is not just a ship manifest, but a window into the life of a very brave ancestor whose choices made us who we are. No TV host is required for any of this!  (We at Treelines are hard at work on this last suggestion.)

The sky isn’t falling if we can take what made the show wonderful and use it to make genealogy as fun and accessible as the show portrayed.