Houston, We Have a Logo!

Earlier this week we quietly unveiled our logo, which you can see at the top of this page.  We’re so excited by how well it captures the feeling of our brand and even ties closely to how the forthcoming site will look and function.  Please be patient, though — it will be a little while before we’re ready to reveal all!

Behind the scenes, the first iteration of the storytelling tool that will be at the heart of Treelines is complete, and over the next few months we will be previewing it for a select group of genealogy friends and colleagues.  We’re looking forward to hearing a ton of feedback so we can make the public version we’ll share with you later this year as amazing as it can possibly be!

While it’s gratifying to see months of hard work come together, the best part of this journey so far has been speaking with so many of you about your family histories.  The father who wants his girls to understand how they are descended from both Francis Scott Key and the senator who proposed that the Star-Spangled Banner become our national anthem.  The married couple who discovered they are distant cousins, connected through numerous Mayflower passengers, Revolutionary War officers, and even Salem witches!  The Vietnamese immigrant who shared with me a couple of binders tracing her family back to the 13th century.  The new friend whose great-grandmother killed her husband because she thought “life would be like a song” with her lover.  The old friend whose great-uncle was separated from his family when he immigrated and ended up alone in Uruguay.  And many, many more.  All of these stores inspire us as we work to make Treelines the best possible tool for capturing and sharing these priceless family stories.

If you want to be the first to hear when we do start opening our doors, please join our email list using the form at the top-right.

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