Hi, all! It’s just about time for my favorite genealogy event of the year — RootsTech! I’m particularly excited about the classes I am teaching this year, and I hope to see lots of you there!

The Margarine Moonshiners from Minsk: How Curiosity and Persistence Uncover Buried Secrets: Thursday, 4:30 PM, Ballroom A. (RT1670)
My first class will use the amazing story of the Margarine Moonshiners from Minsk, my ancestors who were imprisoned for selling margarine as butter, as a framework for discussing how crucial it is to be curious and persistent if you want to make big discoveries about your ancestors. I guarantee you the talk will have you gasping and laughing as you learn about a wide range of sources and research techniques that will help you become better researchers, too.

Conducting Story-Driven Research: Saturday, 10:30 AM, Ballroom I. (RT1680)
My second class is about how thinking like a storyteller, and not just a genealogist, can help you improve the quality of the family history you’re sharing with your relatives. This class isn’t only for people who want to write their family history, but for anyone who wants to understand their ancestors’ lives better. If you feel like you’re adding people and records to your tree by rote, you’ll learn something useful!
Hope to see many of you later this week!