Tammy demo’ing the site… just before announcing the “Getting Started Stories” contest!
It was a long trek last week from Treelines headquarters in New York City to the Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree in LA, but it was more than worth it to connect with some of our current users and make a ton of new friends. We loved hearing about all of your family stories and ways Treelines can help you share them better. Thanks especially to those of you who attended one of Tammy’s two demos!
Most exciting of all was finally getting to announce our “Getting Started Stories” contest. We were gratified that so many of you were equally excited to hear about it!
Thanks to friends new & old for helping to spread the word about Treelines:
- We were included in Denise Levenick’s list of people and sites helping to reduce the genealogy generation gap.
- Randy Seaver of Genea-Musings spent some time on Treelines and advised, “There are some wonderful stories already posted on Treelines – read some of them.”
- Liz Haigney Lynch of The Ancestral Archaeologist wrote that we’re “…a system of sharing family stories and pictures that seemed to be pulling in a lot of what I’ve noticed in the way my kids read and write and share online — visual interest and flexibility in how much and what you write being biggies.”
- The wonderful Elyse Doerflinger of Elyse’s Genealogy Blog wrote, “Treelines is possibly my new favorite genealogy website…not only do I love the concept of a site helps you tell your family stories, I love that Treelines makes it easy to do!”
- Thanks also to Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter, Moultrie Creek Gazette, and others for helping to spread the word about our contest!
Our next conference won’t be until FGS in August. We’re going to have an even bigger announcement then… stay tuned!